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Aura Skin Care


My Eyes

Almond Eyes Make up: This eye shape is characterized by an upswept outer corner. Many women with this eye shape want to increase the depth and intensity of their eyes, so experiment with eyeliner as a bold sweep on the upper lid, neutral colors lining under the eye, and upper and lower liner in various shades. To help almond eyes appear larger, limit liner to the outer portion of the top lid. To make almond eyes appear more round, stop liner before the outer corner of the eye, or use a lighter shade or smoky or smudged look in that area.

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Round Eyes Make up : This eye shape if often large, and open-looking, and many women like to use makeup to elongate the eye. Use darker liner to slightly extend beyond the eyelid at the outer corners to give this illusion. Use a medium shade of eye shadow on the eyelid (up to the crease) and extend the shade slightly both slightly up toward the brow bone and slightly down toward the lower lid to create a more elongated eye appearance.

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Oval Eyes Make up: To give an oval eye an illusion of more height, use liner to create a thin line at the outer corner and gradually thicken towards the middle of the eye. Continue in slightly towards the inner corner, reducing again to a fine line. If your eyes are small, skip the lower liner; otherwise draw a very fine line under the lower lashes.


If you want to know about your eye make-up techniques please see the link below:

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